
Transparent Workflow in Action: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Project's Lifecycle at Hexive.

Transparent Workflow in Action: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at a Project's Lifecycle at Hexive.

Transparency is more than a buzzword; it's the backbone of trust between a client and an agency. Join us on a behind-the-scenes tour of a project's lifecycle at Hexive, showcasing our commitment to a transparent workflow, from initial conception to final execution.

The digital world is rife with stories of projects that spiraled out of control due to lack of clear communication. At Hexive, we’ve built our reputation on doing things differently. Let’s dive deep into our process, where transparency isn’t just a claim—it’s a practice.

1. Project Kickoff and Briefing

Every journey at Hexive starts with a comprehensive briefing. We make it a priority to ensure every stakeholder understands the project's objectives, scope, and desired outcome.

2. Research and Ideation

Once the roadmap is set, our team dives into exhaustive research. Clients are consistently updated on findings, insights, and evolving strategies.

3. Design and Development

Drawing from the insights, our design and development stages are collaborative. With tools that allow clients to view real-time progress and give immediate feedback, it feels like you're working side by side with our team.

"Transparency breeds trust, and trust is the foundation of great teamwork." - Joe Gebbia, Co-founder of Airbnb

4. Review and Refinement

At this stage, our commitment to transparency shines the brightest. Every iteration is shared, and feedback is looped back into refining the product or design.

5. Quality Assurance and Testing

Before any product goes live, it undergoes rigorous testing. Clients are made privy to test results, issues, and the steps taken to resolve them.

6. Project Launch and Handover

Once everything is polished to perfection, the project is ready to go live. But our relationship doesn't end here. A thorough handover ensures our clients are comfortable managing their new product, and we're always a call away for post-launch support.

7. Continuous Feedback and Iteration

Post-launch, we encourage continuous feedback. Transparent workflows mean open lines of communication, ensuring the product remains aligned with evolving business objectives.


Transparent workflow at Hexive is not just about keeping clients in the loop; it's about collaboration, co-creation, and mutual growth. By giving clients a front-row seat to the entire process, we ensure that the final product is not just a fulfillment of the brief but a realization of a shared vision.